Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.
-- Buddha  

Holistic Psychotherapy 

Holistic Psychotherapy is an integrative approach to the healing process. By integrative I mean that all levels; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual need to be addressed for a successful life. These levels are deeply interconnected and influence each other during the healing process.  I make a commitment to my clients to guide, support and walk with them on their journey of self-discovery and transformation.  So many of us today because of our environment and externally over sensitized lifestyles have become severely out of balance as a whole.  In order to change our external experience we must first change our internal experience, including our beliefs about the world and ourselves. 
Every individual is unique in their goals and challenges and I create treatment plans based on that premise.  I use mindfulness techniques in all treatment plans which I believe is an important process of bringing nonjudgmental awareness to one’s thoughts, experiences and beliefs in order to bring about change and increase one’s capacity for fulfillment.   It has been a passion of mine throughout my life to help people heal and find their own personal power and potential.  Treatment areas include but are not limited to: Anxiety and PanicDepressionGrief and LossAddictive BehaviorsRelationship Difficulties 

The wound is the place where the light enters you



 Energy Healing

 The philosophy behind energy healing is that everything in and around us is energy, which is a basic concept in science today.  Therefore, since everything is energetic in nature including our emotions, thoughts and even our physical body all healing ultimately involves energy.  A healer is someone who has trained and learned to tap into this universal energy in order to affect the "human energy field" in positive and powerful ways.  Energy healing is a tool to help bring the body, mind and soul back into balance where healing can occur. As we go through life and experience emotional and physical traumas they get stored energetically in our energy "anatomy".  Sometimes we refer to these emotional and mental patterns as "blocks".  Well that is literally what they become; blocked energy. As a result we may feel stuck and unable to change a negative behavior or thought process.  Energy healing is a method to release trapped fear, pain and trauma that may have become stored in the energy field.  Energy healing is a very gentle yet powerful process and whatever takes place during a session is perfect for the individual and what they are ready to release. There are many styles and approaches today that represent energy healing and I believe each healer has their own unique gifts and abilities that they bring to the process.  I have been an energy healer for twenty years and have learned to expand in many directions as a healer.  I believe this modality enhances and deepens therapeutic changes that are the focus of any treatment.  I ask you to invite me on your inner journey of self-awareness and personal growth.

Cherish your dreams and visions as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements   

-Napoleon Hill


 Wellness and Psychological Consulting

 What is wellness and how do we create it?  Wellness happens when we are able to create a state of balance and harmony within ourselves.  We all have areas of our lives that need adjusting and I assist clients in identifying these aspects and introduce the steps necessary to bring them into alignment.   When we are in balance we are empowered, stronger and more resilient, thereby enabling us to better face life challenges and increase our ability to take in positive experiences.  


Psychological Consultant


I assist clients in identifying core beliefs and patterns that are in the way of creating what they want.  Our thoughts create our reality, and there are so many layers of conscious and unconscious beliefs and thoughts constantly creating this reality. In order to change our experience of reality is important to bring our dysfunctional thoughts into awareness.   Seeking to resolve these internal conflicts helps us create a space in which we can make the positive changes necessary to reach our potential. 




Business owners


Our Food should be our medicine, our medicine should be our food


Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Counseling

Creating deep healing on the physical levels by learning to cleanse the body of toxins. We live in a very toxic environment today and our food is highly processed and addicting. Our bodies are screaming for help and many of us are not listening. I offer nutritional counseling to deepen the healing process thereby helping people find new levels of self love and growth. How we treat our body is very symbolic of how we treat ourselves in general.